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Topics: Clinician Burden

Veradigm® Connect’s Top Apps Bring Solutions that Change How Healthcare Practices Can Operate

In 2022, the healthcare industry continued to wrestle with numerous issues brought out during the COVID-19 pandemic. These issues have…

stethoscope on a laptop
How integrated apps have shifted expectations in managing documents

The health care IT market has witnessed significant growth in recent years due to an increased demand for improving patient…

Fighting provider burnout and staffing shortages with intake note technology

EHR documentation can account for up to 50% of a provider’s day, often accomplished after hours, during clinicals and sometimes…

How mobility streamlines communication in healthcare

As technology advances throughout the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, patients will continue to demand the most up-to-date care innovations. Mobility is…

Automate pre-visit screenings with CHADIS – The patient engagement and health questionnaire solution

Healthcare organizations are facing unprecedented numbers of new policies and regulations intended to save money and improve care delivery, but…

Optimizing your Allscripts TouchWorks EHR with E/M Data Assist

Electronic health records (EHRs) have become the prime solution for tracking patient data within medical offices across the globe. Specifically,…

Clinician practices value based care
Orthopedic Centers of Colorado resolves challenges with Allscripts Professional EHR and DocBuddy

Orthopedic Centers of Colorado (OCC) providers were spending much of their day documenting and not enough time on patient care.

Graphic cover of NextNow Magazine
Next Now: Top Healthcare Apps of 2020

In this issue, we celebrate top healthcare apps from our partner developers this past year. The Allscripts Developer Program builds

Speed chart completion with cloud-based speech recognition

Allscripts partner Nuance Communications offers Dragon Medical One, an AI-powered, cloud-based speech recognition solution that can speed the creation of

Optimized charge processing reduces errors, removes a layer of COVID-19 exposure risk

Physician practices that use paper to manage their hospital charges are not only inefficient, but potentially increase COVID-19 exposure to

Embrace telehealth, it’s here to stay

The CDC recommends that healthcare facilities explore alternatives to face-to-face triage to reduce unnecessary healthcare visits and prevent transmission of

Automated patient call answering that reduces errors, rapidly responds to patients

In a world where so many of our day-to-day tasks can now be streamlined with technology, why continue to enter

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